كل شئ عن الخرائط والمساحات: موقع خرائط سيول
Background Information and Product Introduction
+ Various spatial information regarding maps, transport, land, environment, and public institutions that was monopolized, has now been placed in the open space information website for all citizens to use.
+ Provide citizens with a variety of content types such as life search maps, statistics maps, and spatial information education curriculum by linking and processing a variety of spatial information created since 1995.
+ Services that are not provided by private companies, such as foreign language maps, maps by building types, city ecology environment maps have been built and provided.
• Seoul Map website
This website was built to make spatial information about various fields in Seoul easy to check.
• Smart Complaint Filing
A service for using your smartphone to report a variety of complaints via map such as sidewalk block damage, illegally dumped trash, illegally parked cars, with location marked on a map or attached photos. Website and app available.
▶ Seoul Smart Complaints Website http://gis.seoul.go.kr/Citizen/NewCitizenList.jsp
• Map Service
+ Not only easy to search maps by names or lot numbers, but also to search local welfare services / facilities, female employment opportunities and children’s facilities.
+ Realtime traffic information, aerial photographs, urban planning, etc. can be determined easily on the maps.
+ With just a few clicks, actual size and distance can be checked.
+ Notes to particular parts of maps can be inserted. Maps can also be saved as images, emailed instantly or shared through SNS.
• Urban Information Map Service
+ City and administrative district borders.
+ Bridges, road facilities, tunnels, pedestrian overpasses, public parking places and other facilities.
+ Rivers, parks, bird distribution charts, environmental information and annual average temperatures.
• Statistics Map Service
+ Population, housing, traffic, education facilities and a variety of statistical information by year or region.
+ Statistics by ranks, colors and figures.
+ Aerial Photograph Service - By using aerial photographs taken since 1972, aerial photographs overlaid with life maps can be viewed.
• Spatial Information by field
Spatial information in various fields, such as transportation, land/real estate, environment, cultural tourism, urban management, etc. is provided.
• Spatial Information Education Center
From introduction of GIS, to map study contents for children, spatial information and map related learning contents are provided
• Make My Map
Buildings and landmark icons can be inserted through a service to create my own maps.
• Smart Complaint Filing
+ A service for using your smartphone to report a variety of complaints via map such as sidewalk block damage, illegally dumped trash, illegally parked cars with location marked on a map or attached photos. Website and app available.
+ If complaints are received at Seoul Smart Complaints Register, they will be filed and treated immediately from 120 Dasan Call Center. In particular, if road damage, sidewalks, noise, female safety are reported and listed in areas, prompt action can be taken. Depending on the number of cases reported, 4 cases will be equal to 1 hour of volunteering, and up to 4 hrs a day can be accredited. Cases can be registered and viewed via smartphone app and website on all wired or wireless integrated systems.
+ During the processing, reports received and results can be viewed via smartphone or internet website. Time elapsed can also be sent via SMS to a registered phone number,
+ Since the release of the app, number of downloads was 226,000 during the first 21 months. Cases filed through the smartphone complaints register was more than 168,000 in 2013. The most commonly reported cases are illegally parked cars with 81,590 cases. Damaged public facilities or renovations was 14,634 cases, and the number of unauthorized garbage dumping cases was 6,869.
+ Seoul Smart Complaints Register App awarded
- Smart & Open Government Award 2012 (Oct. 2012) : Received Excellence award
- Best Practices to Improve Civil Complaints Competition (Nov. 2012) : Received Minister of Public Administration and Security Award
- Republic of Korea App Award (Money Today/Korean Communications Commission) (Nov. 2011) : Received Grand Prize for Public Service
- Smart App Award (Korea Internet Professionals Association) (Nov. 2011) Received Grand Prize for Public Service Sector
- Internet Eco Award (Korea Internet Professionals Association) (Dec. 2012) Received Grand Prize for Public Sector Business Innovation
- Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award : Received SNS Best Utilization Sector
• Map Open API (Application Programming Interface) offered
Application Example and Operation Outcome
• Reduction of overlapping budget spending and maintenance costs.
+ Reduce overlapping budget investment, such as server operation and system development cost for each districts and affiliated organizations, and DB building cost for identical area
+ Costs for managing and updating all organizations’ systems per year has been 120 million won for each organization. By integrating building and management of 27 organizations’ DB, there has been a reduction of a total 3.24 billion won.
+ There has been cost savings of more than 50 million won on leasing existing foreign language maps.
+ Costs have been reduced through common use of spatial data with other local governments.
• Increase citizen satisfaction through provision of a differentiated service
+ Stable formation and visits of citizens related with their business
+ Historical awareness of citizens is enhanced by map service enabling comparison of past and present aerial photographs.
+ Citizen satisfaction is ensured through 2D and 3D map service.
• Domestic and international certification and awards
+ E-Government In Future Gov Awards (Oct. 2011)
+ Special Achievement in GIS Awards Ceremony, 2011 Esri UC, (Jul. 2011)
+ Geo-spatial Technology for E-Services, Map Asia 2010 & ISG2010, (Jul. 2010)
Seoul City Special Operations Strategy
• Service Differentiation
2D and 3D maps of finer scale than private portal maps, with street name, address and lot number information are provided. Transition process in regions of interest can be clearly seen through the provision of past and present day aerial photographs,
• Open API for other departments and organizations
Open API services are provided and supported, so that other Seoul departments and organizations can develop various map based services.
Major Expectations
• Operation cost saved through integration of databases and systems of other agencies.
• Stable provision of spatial information data through the integrated operation and continuous database management.
• Able to technically connect and share DB with other agencies
• Ultimately, the quality of administrative services will be improved as citizens freely use various public information.
Law Provisions
• National Spatial Data Infrastructure Act
• National Spatial Data Industry Promotions Act
• Law Measurement, Channel Investigation & Intellectual Related Laws